Hello 👋

I was born in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, a city blessed with multicultural food, people, and society. This lovely city is closely developed with its neighbor, Singapore. I am a storyteller, researcher, AR/VR enthusiast. I manipulate image pixels directly from u_int8 buffers.


Exploring the Impact of Scene Visual Characteristics and Adaptation Effects on Rotation Gain Perception in VR
Qi Wen Gan , Sen-Zhe Xu, Fang-Lue Zhang, Song-Hai Zhang
(ACM VRST) Proceedings of the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2024.

Effects of Scene Visual Characteristics on the Perception of Rotation Gains
Qi Wen Gan , Sen-Zhe Xu, Ran Gong, Fang-Lue Zhang, Song-Hai Zhang
(IEEE VR) IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2024. [link]

DSteganoM: Deep Steganography for Motion Capture Data
Qi Wen Gan , Wei-Chuen Yau, Y.S. Gan, Iftekhar Salam, Shihui Guo, Chin-Chen Chang, Yubing Wu, Luchen Zhou
Journal Expert Systems With Applications, 2023. [link1] [link2] [Project Page]

Academic Profile

  • For more personal achievement, please refer to my linkedin.


Web IR Search Engine

Video Time Machine ⏲

  • This is an Youtube-liked Video Search Engine which allow user to query specific words/phrase throughout the video and get the timestamp/s result instantly.
  • This project won the 4th place out of 21 projects during 2022 Spring Web IR courses final competition.

D Stegano M 3D Mocap Visualizer

D Stegano M Visualizer

  • This is an custom Mocap BVH format visualizer with json file. Written in Three.js, mainly used for research purpose.

Fast indoor and outdoor content synthesis in Unreal

Unreal scene generator

  • This is an fun side project I was done along with my master’s study. The purpose is to study human perception of vision, visual, and graphic in VR.